Policy Issues

Critical Race Theory

The threats to our communities, our families, and our faith–the pillars that allow us to live out our freedom–are vast, real, and increasingly hostile.

Among these threats is a radical philosophy, rooted in Marxism, known as Critical Race Theory. This framework views all of society through a racialized prism of identity groups, with minorities being the oppressed and white people serving as the oppressor. Where Karl Marx separated society into the capitalist bourgeoisie and the oppressed proletariat, adherents of Critical Race Theory have substituted race for Marx’s class and economic distinctions.

Proponents of this radical belief system have succeeded in pushing their ideology into nearly every facet of American society. Their goal is to tear down and destroy institutions that they claim serve as “white dominant” power structures that perpetuate societal ills. It is no coincidence, therefore, that nearly all of these institutions or “systems” mirror Marxism’s alleged culprits: capitalism, the nuclear family, a republican form of government, rule of law, and Christianity.

The widespread manifestation of Critical Race Theory into K-12 curricula and “diversity training” around the country has become an increasing flashpoint as outraged parents, families, citizens, and communities aim to push back against this corrosive worldview. The imposition of state sanctioned racism by progressive ideologues is intended to corrupt children and future generations into both self-loathing and hatred toward their fellow countrymen. 

Proponents of Critical Race Theory use our university campuses to radicalize our own children, transforming them into angry “successor ideology” activists. They use their control of HR departments and boardrooms of corporate America to impose this radicalism in all private workplaces. Their organized mobs terrorize private citizens with a “cancel culture” that seeks to erase the people and ideas who refuse to adopt their totalitarian mindset. 

Ultimately, these radicals seek to erase the American idea that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Citizens for Renewing America knows that in order to revitalize the American spirit and restore our great nation, this far-left ideology must be defeated. We are committed to that mission and stand ready with millions of citizens to stop this radical cultural revolution.


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