How the House Can Help Bannon and Navarro Escape the Contempt Trap Set by Pelosi

By: Jeff Clark & Wade Miller

Steve Bannon is one of the key leaders in the populist conservative movement. For this reason, he was an early target of the lawless House January 6 “Select” Committee.

As you probably know, Steve has outrageously been ordered by a federal judge to report to prison beginning July 1, 2024 to begin serving a four-month term. This would put him out of commission for virtually the entire remaining period between now and the presidential election on November 5, 2024.

The J6 Committee targeted Steve to try to silence his powerful voice on his daily Internet television show/podcast War Room, which reaches tens of thousands of committed patriots every day and where he makes the strong case for President Trump’s reelection.

Despite the fact that it is well-known that Steve is one of President Trump’s longest and most influential advisors, the J6 Committee refused to credit the assertion of executive privilege advanced to the Committee on Steve’s behalf as it was communicated to him by President Trump and his lawyers.

Steve and others caught in the maelstrom of the J6 Committee’s machinations, more designed to cover up January 6 than to bring light to why that riot occurred despite President Trump’s authorization for use of the National Guard to protect the Capitol that day, have long said that the J6 Committee was established in violation of general procedural law established by the full House of Representatives at the start of the 117th Congress.

We at Citizens for Renewing America have studied Steve’s claims— as well as the claims to this same effect of another of President Trump’s advisors, Peter K. Navarro (who is already in prison) — and we agree that the J6 Committee operated outside the parameters of law. The J6 Committee’s defects are legion. But the main ones are that the Committee was being composed of too few members, did not allow the Republicans to select their 5 Committee members out of 13, and did not operate with a Ranking Minority Member or Minority Counsel.

For these reasons, we urge you to call your Member of the House of Representatives and ask them to go forward without delay on the following two action items:

1) Direct the General Counsel of the House, Through the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (“BLAG”), to file amicus briefs or motions with the federal court to support Steve’s efforts to avoid going to prison or, in Peter’s case, to be freed from prison immediately; AND

2) Schedule on the floor of the House a vote on the attached draft House Resolution condemning the J6 Committee, further explaining the defective subpoenas issued to Steve and Peter, and describing the full list of the Committee’s lawless conduct at every turn.

    No free citizen of the United States should support the unfair and unconstitutional weaponization of government that has been focused like a laser-beam on Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro.

    The Speaker of the House and the Members can act now to help end this severe injustice. We call on you to help us move the House and the Speaker to take the necessary steps to right these egregious wrongs.

    PDF: Bannon and Navarro Draft House Resolution


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